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  1. Overview

  2. Climate action is vital for children's holistic development as it directly impacts their present and future well-being. Environmental factors profoundly influence children's health, education, and overall quality of life. Sustainable practices mitigate climate change, ensuring clean air, water, and food, thus safeguarding children from environmental hazards and health risks. Additionally, climate action fosters a safer and more stable world for children to thrive in, preserving natural resources and biodiversity for future generations.
    By aligning with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal 13: Climate Action, we commit to safeguarding the planet and creating a sustainable environment where children can flourish and reach their full potential.
  3. The Challenge

  4. Lack of Awareness:
    Widespread ignorance regarding the urgency and severity of climate change persists among the general population in India.
    Limited understanding of the connection between individual actions, environmental degradation, and climate impacts hampers collective efforts towards mitigation and adaptation.
  5. Lack of Sustainable Projects:
    There is a shortage of sustainable projects and initiatives focused on reducing carbon emissions, promoting renewable energy sources, and implementing eco-friendly practices at community level.

Involving young mind for circular economy

Promoting segregation at source through school children

Climate Conservation Education Program adapted from Majhi Vasundhara Curriculum

Tree plantation Drives